Android App Development

Course Duration

12 Months

Job Opportunities

There are several other job opportunities available in the IT industry that require the skills and knowledge provided by Android Development.

Course Details

  1. Java Fundamental
  2. OOPS  Concept
  3. Java Multithreading
  4. Java Collections
  1. Introduction to Android
  2. What is Android?
  3. History of Android
  4. Android versions – History
  6. Introduction to Android Apps Development TOOL
  7. What is Activity? Developing a Simple Android Log In screen UI design
  8. Types of Layouts in Android
  9. Introduction to Android Java class file & its structure
  1. Creating a simple Toast Message Application on click of a button
  2. What is Android Virtual device (AVD)?
  3. How to create Android Virtual Device (AVD)?
  4. How to run our App on our own Android device?
  5. Android Activity Lifecycle
  6. Android Menus
  7. Creating Alert dialog box in Android
  8. Basic widgets in android, Creating a Simple user registration page UI
  9. Getting data from widgets
  10. Intents
  11. Creating a new Activity
  12. Passing Data between Activities
  13. WebView
  14. What is Android Manifest file?
  15. What is build gradle file?
  1. Date and Time picker
  2. Playing Audio and Video in android
  3. List view, grid view, Spinner
  4. Turn on Wi-Fi, Bluetooth programmatically
  5. Sending SMS and Mail programmatically
  6. Start Activity for result, Types of Intents
  7. Creating Notifications in Android
  8. Animation in android
  9. Sensors in android
  10. Basic Components of Android
  11. Activity
  12. Intent
  13. Broadcast Receiver
  14. Services
  15. Content Provider
  1. Effective usage of Android Templates
  2. Shared Preferences
  3. Internal and External storage
  4. Android Fragments, Creating Navigation drawer and loading different fragments on clicking different menu item
  5. SQLite Database, CRUD operations with it
  6. Creating a Login and Sign Up Application using SQLite Database
  7. Finding the current location using Google maps
  8. JSON, Asynctask, HTTP classes
  9. How to import and Export codes,
  10. How to use Third party library projects and integrating it to our App
  11. Working with GitHub codes
  12. Procedures to launch your App on Play store.
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