Course Duration
12 Months
Job Opportunities
There are several other job opportunities available in the IT industry that require the skills and knowledge provided by Android Development.
- Android Developer
- Mobile App Developer
- Software Engineer
- Mobile Application Tester
- Android Technical Support
- Game Developer
Course Details
- Java Fundamental
- OOPS Concept
- Java Multithreading
- Java Collections
- Introduction to Android
- What is Android?
- History of Android
- Android versions – History
- Introduction to Android Apps Development TOOL
- What is Activity? Developing a Simple Android Log In screen UI design
- Types of Layouts in Android
- Introduction to Android Java class file & its structure
- Creating a simple Toast Message Application on click of a button
- What is Android Virtual device (AVD)?
- How to create Android Virtual Device (AVD)?
- How to run our App on our own Android device?
- Android Activity Lifecycle
- Android Menus
- Creating Alert dialog box in Android
- Basic widgets in android, Creating a Simple user registration page UI
- Getting data from widgets
- Intents
- Creating a new Activity
- Passing Data between Activities
- WebView
- What is Android Manifest file?
- What is build gradle file?
- Date and Time picker
- Playing Audio and Video in android
- List view, grid view, Spinner
- Turn on Wi-Fi, Bluetooth programmatically
- Sending SMS and Mail programmatically
- Start Activity for result, Types of Intents
- Creating Notifications in Android
- Animation in android
- Sensors in android
- Basic Components of Android
- Activity
- Intent
- Broadcast Receiver
- Services
- Content Provider
- Effective usage of Android Templates
- Shared Preferences
- Internal and External storage
- Android Fragments, Creating Navigation drawer and loading different fragments on clicking different menu item
- SQLite Database, CRUD operations with it
- Creating a Login and Sign Up Application using SQLite Database
- Finding the current location using Google maps
- JSON, Asynctask, HTTP classes
- How to import and Export codes,
- How to use Third party library projects and integrating it to our App
- Working with GitHub codes
- Procedures to launch your App on Play store.