c++ programming aiyoit

Course Duration

12 Months

Job Opportunities

There are several other job opportunities available in the IT industry that require the skills and knowledge provided by C++ Programming.

Course Details

  1. Introduction
  2. History and Features of C++
  3. C Vs C++
  4. Role of Compiler & Interpreter
  5. The Structure of  C++ Program
  6. Building an Executable Version of  C++ Program
  7. Debugging  C++ Program
  8. Examples
  1. Introduction
  1. Introduction
  2. Data Type
  1. IF Statements
  2. IF Else Statements
  3. Nesting IF Statements
  4. Switching Statements
  5. For Loop
  6. While Loop
  7. Do-while Loop
  8. Break & Continue
  9. Switch Case
  1. Introduction
  2. C++ Programming Function
  3. C++ User- Defined Function
  4. Function Type
  5. C++ Recursion
  6. C++ Storage
  1. C++ OOPs
  2. C++ Classes/Objects
  3. C++ Class Method
  1. Introduction
  2. Array: What and Why?
  3. C++ Multidimensional Array
  4. Dynamic Arrays
  5. C++ Array & Function
  1.  Introduction
  2. Pointer Expressions
  3. C++ Pointer & Array
  4. C++ Pointer & Function
  5. C++ Memory Allocation
  1. Introduction
  2. C++ String
  3. C++ String Function
  1. Introduction
  2. C++ Structure
  3. Advantage of Structure
  4. C++ Structure & Union
  5. Size of Structure
  6. C++ Structure & Function
  7. C++ Unions
  1. Introduction
  2. C++ Files Input / Output
  1. C++ Enumeration
  2. C++ Preprocessors
  3. C++ Standard Library
  1. Overview of Inheritance
  2. Defining Base and Derived Classes
  3. Constructor and Destructor Calls
  4. Overview of Polymorphism
  1. Inheritance and Exceptions
  2. Inside an Exception Handler
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