java aiyoit

Course Duration

6 Months

Job Opportunities

There are several other job opportunities available in the IT industry that require the skills and knowledge provided by Java.

Course Details

  1. What is programming
  2. Classification of Programming Languages
  3. Introduction of Java
  4. Importance of Java
  5. C++ & Java
  6. Setup Java Environment
  7. Hello Program
  8. Java JDK, JRE & JVM
  1. Data Type in Java
  2. Memory Allocation of Data Type
  1. Variable Declaration & Initialization
  2. Types of Variables
  3. Literals in Java
  4. Type Casting
  5. Scopes of Variable in Java
  6. Constant
  1. Java Operator
  2. Arithmetic Operator
  3. Relational Operator
  4. Logical Operator
  5. Assignment Operator
  6. Increment & Decrement Operator
  7. Condition Operator
  8. Bitwise Operator
  9. Special Operator
  1. Conditional Statements in Java
  2. Simple If Statement
  3. The If-else Statement
  4. Nesting of If-else Statement
  5. Switch Statement
  1. Control Statements in Java
  2. While Loop
  3. Do-While Loop
  4. For Loop
  5. Jumps in Loop
  6. Return Statement
  7. Java Break Statement
  8. Java Continue Statement
  1. Introduction
  2. Defining a Class
  3. Creating Object
  1. Java in Method
  2. Use of Method in Java
  3. Method Declaration
  4. Types of Method
  5. Predefined Method
  6. User-defined Method
  7. Instance Method
  8. Static Method
  9. Calling Method
  1. Constructor in Java
  2. Types of Constructor
  3. Default Constructor
  4. Parameterized Constructor
  5. Constructor Overloading
  6. Copy Constructor
  7. Static Nested Class in Java
  1. Modifier in Java
  2. Types of Modifier
  1. String in Java
  1. Final, Super and this keyword
  2. Inner Class in Java
  3. Static Variable
  4. Static Methods
  5. Static Block
  6. Difference  Between Super and This Keyword
  1. Encapsulation in Java
  2. How to Achieve Encapsulation
  3. Data Hiding
  4. Tightly Encapsulated Class
  5. Getter and setter method in Java
  6. Naming convention of getter and setter method
  7. Packages
  1. Inheritance in Java
  2. Association in Java
  3. Types of inheritance
  4. Is-A Relationship
  5. Has-A Relationship in Java
  6. Aggregation and Composition(HAS-A)
  7. Association, Aggregation Vs Composition
  1. Polymorphism in Java
  2. Types of Polymorphism
  3. Static and Dynamic Binding
  4. Method Overloading
  5. Method Overriding
  6. Rules of Method Overloading and Method Overriding, Various Example Programs Related to Rules of Overloading and Overriding.
  7. Covariant Return Type
  1. Abstraction in Java
  2. Abstract Class
  3. Abstract Method
  4. Interface in Java
  5. Nested Interface, Rules, and Example Programs
  1. Java Array
  2. Java String
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