Course Duration
12 Months
Job Opportunities
There are several other job opportunities available in the IT industry that require the skills and knowledge provided by Website Development.
- Web Developer
- Full-Stack Developer
- UX/UI Designer
- SEO Specialist
- Freelance Website Developer
- E-commerce Specialist
- IT Manager
Course Details
- What is Website?
- Type of Website
- Use of Website
- Introduction
- Editors
- Basic Structure
- Title
- Script
- Attributes
- Link
- Meta
- Favicon
- Heading
- Paragraph
- Formatting
- Image
- Buttons
- Anchor Tags
- Lists
- Table
- Form
- Inline & Block Elements
- Id
- Classes
- Entities
- Sematic Tags
- Introduction
- CSS Basic
- CSS Advance
- CSS Responsive
- CSS Grid
- Introduction
- Bootstrap Basics
- Bootstrap Grids
- Introduction
- Developer Tools , Writing in Browser
- Comments
- Variable
- Data Type
- Operators
- String and Basic String Function
- Interaction ( alert, prompt and confirm )
- Scope , if-else Condition & switch case
- Arrays
- Object
- Function
- DOM Introduction
- DOM Targeting & query Selector
- DOM Get & Set Value
- DOM Form Events
- BOM Introduction
- Window Height/Width
- Window Open & Close
- Introduction
- Getting to Know the Work Area
- Basic Photo Corrections
- Working with Selections
- Layer Basics
- Masks and Channels
- Typographic Design
- Introduction
- jQuery Syntax
- jQuery Selectors
- jQuery Events
- jQuery Effects
- jQuery HTML
- jQuery Traversing
- jQuery AJAX & Misc
- Introduction
- Architecture of Nodejs Application
- Synchronous and Asynchronous Programming
- Call back Function in Nodejs
- Promises in Nodejs
- MongoDB with Nodejs
- Design the Schema in Nodejs
- Design the Rest API’s
- JSON web Token Authentication in Nodejs
- Create the Auth APP in Nodejs
- Create the E-commerce Backend
- Integrated Payment Gateway
- Introduction
- Collections in MongoDb
- Documents In mongoDb
- Difference between Mysql and NoSql
- Inserting data into database
- Filter queries in Mongodb Database
- Schema Validation in MongoDb database
- Indexing In collections
- Aggregation in MongoDb
- Embedded Document in MongoDb