website designing aiyoit

Course Duration

6 Months

Job Opportunities

There are several other job opportunities available in the IT industry that require the skills and knowledge provided by Website Designing.

Course Details

  1. What is Website?
  2. Type of Website
  3. Use of Website
  1. Introduction
  2. Editors
  3. Basic Structure
  4. Title
  5. Script
  6. Attributes
  7. Link
  8. Meta
  9. Favicon
  10. Heading
  11. Paragraph
  12. Formatting
  13. Image
  14. Buttons
  15. Anchor Tags
  16. Lists
  17. Table
  18. Form
  19. Inline & Block Elements
  20. Id
  21. Classes
  22. Entities
  23. Sematic Tags
  1. Introduction
  2. Inline, Internal & External CSS
  3. Selectors
  5. Units
  6. Colors
  7. Border
  8. Background
  9. Box Model
  10. Outline
  11. Margin
  12. Padding
  13. Width
  14. Height
  15. Text
  16. Fonts
  17. Float
  18. Icon
  19. List
  20. Table
  21. Navigation Menu
  22. Display Property
  23. Position Property
  24. Visibility
  25. Pseudo classes
  26. ! important
  27. Media Queries
  1. Introduction 
  2. Bootstrap Basics
  3. Bootstrap Grids
  1. Introduction
  2. Getting to Know the Work Area
  3. Basic Photo Corrections
  4. Working with Selections
  5. Layer Basics
  6. Masks and Channels
  7. Typographic Design
  1. Introduction
  2. Developer Tools , Writing in Browser
  4. Variable
  5. Data Type
  6. Operators
  7. String and Basic String Function
  8. Interaction ( alert, prompt and confirm )
  9. Scope , if-else Condition & switch case
  10. Arrays
  11. Object
  12. Function
  13. DOM Introduction
  14. DOM Targeting & query Selector
  15. DOM Get & Set Value
  16. DOM Form Events
  17. BOM Introduction
  18. Window Height/Width
  19. Window Open & Close
  1. Introduction
  2. jQuery Syntax
  3. jQuery Selectors
  4. jQuery Events
  5. jQuery Effects
  6. jQuery HTML
  7. jQuery Traversing
  8. jQuery AJAX & Misc
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